Pineapple and Peach Coolder with Aloe Vera
Pineapple and Peach Coolder with Aloe Vera
Del Monte Pineapple Chunks 425g, Del Monte Peach Slices 220g, Del Monte Aloe Vera in light syrup 220g, Ice Cubes 4 – 5 pc, Sugar 1 tbsp
Del Monte Aloe Vera in light syrup
Aloe Vera contains rich dietary fiber which can give the sense of fullness and encourage intestinal motility.
Add pineapple chunks, ice cubes 4 pcs and sugar to the blender, blend until smooth, set aside. (freeze for 1-2 hours until almost soil if needed.)
Pour aloe vera with light syrup into a glass, add pineapple chunks, diced peaches and ice cubes.
Top with (1) pineapple smoothie and serve cold.